Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Baby steps

Alright, I'm officially a beginner developer now! Looking at that fancy emulator booting up to my simple program, I'm already thrilled to my bones with excitement. This also marks my transition into Javaprogramming instead of my old tool C++, as android studio provides a native support for java.

Alrighty, first things first. My primary objective today shall be to run a makeshift app on my smartphone. Nice and simple, ey?

--- 1.5 hours of excruciating troubleshooting later ---

I've finally managed to install adb drivers on my computer! Gosh.

"file path not accessible..." "phone not detected..." tons of unexpected issues seem to jump out of thin air to dissuade me of my very first attempt, and the worst of all - I can't find anyone else online with the same problem as me! I'm forced to go the hard way, digging through forums after forums, restarting my computer a good number of times and downloading strange files on the Internet with only one thing in mind: One of these oddballs is going to fix my problem.

But of course, bad spell doesn't last forever, and eventually my Android Studio reported a build success and all the files begin compiling. I held my breath for a good dozen of seconds, then voila! My phone screen lights up with a blank screen and a lonely textbook that says 'Name'. Almost in an instant the voice in my head telling me that 'I'm wasting this whole night on nothing' was pulverized, and I'm left with a heartfelt glee.

This is gonna be fun.